My 30th --- Part 2

This is such a late follow-up to my 30th birthday celebration, but anyways I just had to continue it because I haven't written about the best part!

After Gourmet's, we went to our massage appointment at Sonya's Garden. Since everyone's been there,  I'm not posting any shots anymore. Also, coincidentally, our room that day wasn't that great. =p There was a plumbing problem so we were put in a room on the lower floor, which was facing the property beside it and had.. outside people, if you know what I mean. Nevertheless, we had a great massage. Please note that the massages there are A LOT more expensive than Metro Manila massages, roughly P1,300 each.

We went straight to Antonio's after, where J made reservations for dinner. We were there super early, around 5:30 or 6PM. Antonio's is our favorite celebration place! We usually go there for his or my birthday, or... when there's a DealGrocer deal available, haha! For us, it's the best restaurant. Even as new restaurants opened over the years in Metro Manila, Antonio's is still the best in terms of ambiance, freshness, and over-all YUMMINESS!

Price-wise, people seem to be under the impression that Antonio's is expensive. I really don't think so. I eat all the time in Fort, and the bill almost adds up to the same amount. When you order a main entree in Antonio's, it comes with the soup, salad, dessert, coffee, tea... add-ons are their delicious iced teas or appetizers, like Foie Gras. Main entrees usually start at P1,300 per head, if I'm not mistaken. You can click on the photo of their current menus in my photos below. I didn't note the prices below of the dishes because most of them come with the package.



This is our favorite -- Trio!

They sent us a delicious small cake and drinks! THANK YOU!!

Okay, this is what made my whole 30th Birthday. As if Aerosmith wasn't enough to make it memorable, we met Chef Antonio Escalante! We've been coming here for years, but we've never seen him!

We were in the middle of eating our appetizer, when from the corner of my eye I saw a man in an apron quickly walk towards us. Closer... and closer. Then, as I was about to bite into my bread, he came over and asked, "Hi, is everything okay with the food?"

Initially I was puzzled because, I was thinking, "Did I complain about anything? I love everything! Love love love love..." so I was looking at him blankly. I think J was looking at him blankly too. 

Quickly, he said, "Oh, I'm Chef Antonio!"

The blank look lasted a few more seconds, because 1) Chef Antonio... is here? And 2) Chef Antonio is... talking to us?

Both J and I didn't answer, we just had our food poised mid-air into our mouths. I think he realized he caught us by surprise, so he asked again, "How's the food?"

J could only nod, while I squeaked out in a super high-pitched voice, "Super good, super good!" (Dork.)

He cheerily told us to enjoy our dinner, and proceded to walk to another section of the restaurant to welcome the other diners (and shock them too, I guess, hehe.)

We just looked after him in amazement as he walked away, then giddily giggled at each other (Dorks, plural). After a few minutes we got our bearings together and ran after him for a picture. He insisted though on having the picture taken by our table. We were so giddy, we put him in the center, to which he awkwardly asked if I should be in the center because it was my birthday. HAHAHAHAHA. Oo nga pala, it's my birthday!

So thank you, Chef Tony Boy, for visiting our table. It made my birthday a lot more memorable, because we love your food and restaurant, and you are our favoriteeeeee (sipsip talaga.) Hahahaha!

So that's how I celebrated my 30th! We followed it up with Ramen with the kids, lunches, and dinners, and it was incredibly enjoyable. Way better than I hoped and prayed it would be. 


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