Need Milk? Pay It Forward.

If you've stumbled upon my page, you may be in need of milk for your baby. I will be more than happy to help, as long as I can. Please note that I will most likely stop pumping anytime January-February 2013, which is about 6 months after my baby's passing.

I am cleared of any possible diseases that may pass on to the milk. I took the necessary tests for these when I was pregnant. I do not smoke, drink (and if I do, this will be pumped and thrown away), or do anything that can pass on to the milk. I refrain from eating sushi and sashimi (which is ironic, because that's our family business) because this can affect the milk. As of now, I do not drink cow's milk and avoid any seafood as well. I am, however, a big fan of milk tea and Starbucks Christmas drinks (haha). As of now, 30+ babies have availed of the milk, and I have yet to receive any feedback that the milk gave the babies adverse reactions. Your doctor might need this information, as milk-sharing is not completely safe, and having information about the donor is important.

Please note also that I have conditions before I can donate the milk to your family ( I apologize for this, but I'm just trying to prioritize the families who need the milk urgently):

1. Please add me in Facebook (Mel Galarrita Menes) and send me a PM or email about the milk so I know who you are. This is to screen the people who just want the milk for selling purposes. Breastmilk goes for almost P200/bag, and I would just like to make sure the milk goes to the right people. This is also to screen those who have our address. (You would think there aren't people that mean, but apparently there are.)
2. If you will be asking for milk, please let it be urgent. By urgent, I mean one or many of the below problems:
a. Premature baby still in the NICU
b. Congenital defect leading to extended stay in NICU
c. Premie twins within the first 2 months of birth, whether in or out of the NICU
d. Baby about to undergo surgery
e. Baby in the NICU, for any reason.
f. Babies required to have only breastmilk in preparation for future surgeries, as per doctor's instructions. (Your doctor can contact me directly for this).

Though I know other parents may need the milk for other reasons, please note that my advocacy is to help families who URGENTLY need the milk as I have a limited supply. The milk you take could be the milk for another baby who is hanging on the balance. Please consider the mothers who cannot make any milk because they are stressed and just stay in the NICU all day, or are looking for money for the hospital bills. Preparing milk for babies that are not my own is difficult emotionally and physically, so please consider that I have to prioritize these families. Breastmilk can save these babies.

If my location is too far, or I have stopped donating and you urgently need milk, there are hundreds of mommies willing to help here:
Human Milk for Human Babies - Philippines

Hopefully, if you find a way to increase your supply more than your baby needs, you can one day Pay the favor forward. I do not ask for anything in return (not even milk bags),  but I'm a big believer of Paying It Forward (both the concept and the movie). If you would like to thank me, please, pay the favor forward to somebody else, someday. Cash will not be accepted, so please don't offer any. However, if you insist, my children and husband love pastries of any kind and I will not turn those away =D

I pray that your baby leaves the NICU soon, and grows up to be a healthy, beautiful child. I hope we can stay FB friends/acquaintances even when your baby comes home. I would love to see their pictures in my FB wall when they're 1, 5, 10 years old (don't worry, I won't stalk you!) They are simply beautiful reminders of what my daughter Kat would have been, as they would have been the same age. I only know a handful of the babies I have donated to as the rest were anonymous donations thru hospitals, so I appreciate any smiling pictures of the babies coming home and growing.

Thank you, and I hope to be able to help your babies soon!

"#1 It has to be something that really helps people. #2 Something they can't do by themselves. #3 I do it for them, they do it for three other people. These are the rules when you pay it forward. " Pay It Forward (2000).

Addendum -- I have stopped donating milk as of January 29, 2013. Should you need assistance in finding milk, I will be more than happy to help, just send me an email =D


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